

Fatoumata Zerbo

Fatoumata Zerbo

Fatoumata Zerbo has about seven years of experience in different fields in the community development sector and education, in particular. Currently, Fatoumata is the secretary for the General Labor Confederation and Women’s Section of the North(Africa), where she emphasizes on the promotion of women’s rights and duties at workplaces, and the sensitization of the community on current diseases, through practical activities. Fatoumata Zerbo also continues teaching as a volunteer in evening classes with young people and adults. Fatoumata has good language skills, which allow her to monitor or present lectures related to women’s leadership, and the health sector. She is also a national football referee. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Fatoumata plans to continue her work in education by focusing on women’s awareness about their rights for better equal opportunities.
