Feroza Motara

Dr Feroza Motara is a healthcare practitioner, specialising in Emergency Medicine. Dr Motara is the Academic Head of Division Emergency Medicineat faculty of health at the University of the Witwatersrand. She is also the head of units, Emergency Departments at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, responsible for the academic, clinical and administrative activities in the unit. The unit comprises Adult and Paediatric Emergency areas, a short stay clinical decision unit, the hospital staff clinic and a Triage area. Dr Motara has a keen interest on the impact that Point of Care has had on Emergency Medicine.
. She is also the head of units, Emergency Departments at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, responsible for the academic, clinical and administrative activities in the unit. The unit comprises Adult and Paediatric Emergency areas, a short stay clinical decision unit, the hospital staff clinic and a Triage area. Dr Motara has a keen interest on the impact that Point of Care has had on Emergency Medicine.
She is supervising registrar research in the Division of Emergency Medicine related to point of care in the emergency department. She set up the first point of care mini-laboratory in an emergency department, in South Africa with the aim of improving diagnoses, making real time management decisions and enabling cost saving for the patient and the Department of Health. As a result of using point of care blood investigations, they have been able to diagnose patients in real time, save on costs, refer appropriately and make management decisions at the patient’s bedside.