Florent Keladoue Dji

Florent Keladoue Dji has over 10 years’ experience in managing, evaluating, and conducting research on international development programs in the cocoa sector. He holds an Engineering degree in Agricultural Economics from the Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny of Yamoussoukro in Cote D’Ivoire and is currently Monitoring, Evaluation and Forecast Specialist at ADM Cocoa, where he oversees crop forecasting activities for the region and leads the development, coordination, and execution of cocoa sustainability programs. Florent has authored numerous impact studies, and developed decision-making tools, that have informed policy innovations to achieve growth in rural income and curb the incidence of child labor in cocoa-producing communities. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, he plans to implement an innovative customer-funded program that aims at promoting inclusive and durable community-driven development, as a way of tackling the issue of child labor and overcoming poverty and inequality in the cocoa sector. Stayed in Africa.