

Franck Arnie Asseko Oyono

Franck Arnie Asseko Oyono

Franck Arnie Asseko Oyono has been working as a consultant and volunteer in various fields in the community development area. Franck Arnie Asseko Oyono is a specialist in policy advocacy and strategic partnership. Currently, Frank works a consultant for Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) Gabon and another local NGO, where he focuses on advocacy projects and initiative programs. Frank holds a master’s degree in International Relations with a focus on integrated studies from the United States International University of Africa in Nairobi, Kenya. He is focused on gender gaps within the education sector and their impact on Gabon’s development. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Frank will continue his work in gender parity with a focus on advocacy for girl and women’s education in Gabon. He is currently working on a project on adolescent pregnancy affecting young girls’ education in Gabon.
