Garfield A Konneh

Garfield A Konneh has over five years of experience in business operations and management, specifically sales and administration. Currently, Garfield is an auditor at Parker & Co LLC, a certified public accounting and business advisory firm, where he focuses on performing auditing and accounting services for several organizations. Garfield A Konneh also consults with many small-business owners on how to manage their businesses by providing them with basic skills such as planning, cost monitoring, sales, and financial analysis techniques. Garfield served a three-month internship under the sponsorship of the USAID Food and Enterprise Development program and he is a candidate for a master’s degree in Finance at the Cuttington Graduate School in Liberia(Africa), with a focus on financial analysis and risk assessment methods and their impacts on investment. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Garfield plans to launch his business in the agribusiness sector with a focus on value additions.