Gbolu Patience Goldore

Gbolu Patience Goldore has over four years of experience in the public sector, focusing on finance and financial management. Currently, Gbolu works as an assistant project accountant with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning’s Project Financial Management Unit. She is responsible for providing financial management services for government projects sponsored by donors, working directly with ministries and project contractors, focusing on education, health, and infrastructure projects to ensure the timely disbursement of funds, and transparency and accountability of donor funding for strategic development programs in Liberia(Africa). Gbolu holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the United Methodist University and is pursuing a master’s degree in Finance at the Cuttington University in Monrovia. Gbolu is motivated by her passion for transparency, accountability, and improving public financial management and how it can equitably contribute to national growth and development for the collective good. She believes that more reforms in the finance industry and financial management sector are still needed. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, she hopes to contribute innovative strategies and technology to financial management policies and implementation.