

Gina Carmella Leboungou Nzengue

Gina Carmella Leboungou Nzengue

In 2010, Gina Carmella Leboungou Nzengue co-founded the first Gabonese job board, In 2012, this work was recognized by the President of the Gabonese Republic President with a National Order of Merit. She has four yearsäó» experience working at a radio station, where she sold advertising and worked on finding new customers and contracts, and organizing their communication strategies. In 2015, Gina Carmella Leboungou Nzengue created her own advertising company named Think’Pub. Gina holds a professional license in Human Ressources Management, and a degree in Marketing. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Gina plans to continue her work of transforming Think’Pub into the first Gabonese adverting company. The YALI is essential to the realization of this dream because by taking part this project, she will benefit from the expertise which will help her to strategically develop her business. She aims to encourage entrepreneurship and empowerment of girls, whose potential is still ignored.
