Halimatou Gambo Illo Daoura

Halimatou Gambo Illo Daoura currently serves as a Junior Economist and Program Assistant for the Millennium Challenge Niger Coordination unit, a U.S. government aid agency seeking to fight poverty through economic growth. She is also Vice-President of Education Support-Niger, an NGO that works to increase Nigerien’s access to higher education. In 2013, Halima was selected by the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) as one of the 100 emerging women leaders for their commitment to service in Niger. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics, master’s degree in Business Administration, and a master’s of business in Finance from the United Kingdom. Upon her return from the Washington Fellowship, Halimatou Gambo Illo Daoura will share the experience and knowledge she gained with Young Nigeriens and continue mentoring them. She will also continue working on the implementation of the MCC Compact program at the national level. Halimatou was one of 100 Fellows competitively selected to participate in an 8-week internship in the United States following the Mandela Washington Fellowship academic institute. She interned at the U.S. African Development Foundation in August-September 2014.