

Hans Foungues

Hans Foungues

Hans Foungues has ten years’ international experience in communication and over six years’ experience in the community development sector. Currently, Hans Foungues is a private consultant working to develop peace-building activities, and leading the NGO, ‘Entrepreneurs Nouvelle Génération’ where he focuses on initiating and designing programs to foster sustainable development in Gabon.

He volunteers in local community secondary schools to encourage youth to preserve the environment, and also bring together the government, social partners, private sector, and civic society to discuss the present and future of Gabonese workers and local communities. Hans holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Quebec in Montreal, as well as a diploma in Audiovisual Production, and completed a Master’s degree in Financial Engineering in a Libreville private school. Upon completion of the Fellowship, he plans to promote social entrepreneurship, strengthen democracy, and continue his advocacy for corporate social responsibility and good governance.
