Henry Ngale Foretia

Henry Ngale Foretia is an entrepreneur with over 12 years’ experience in entrepreneurship, founded Afrika Business Group, in Dakar Senegal, Ets Henry& Freres, the delegate of South West livestock Farmers CIG and Afrika Innovation Technology Group, As the CEO and Founder of ETS HENRY ET FRERES, a poultry farming Management system which provides quality animal feed to small and medium scale poultry farmers in Cameroon and expert training, Poultry Construction while monitoring & evaluating poultry farms. Recent assignments include being a senior expert facilitator in helping farmers gain certification with his government for protection and compensating them in case of an outbreak (Bird Flu).
As a senior expert in business management, he has consulted and organizational designed hundreds of startup companies within Africa and holds a senior advisory position at the South West Livestock Farmers Union), to assist entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Since its creation, the company revenues have grown from $20,000 in 2008 to $304,500 in 2017. He is a professional in poultry farming and innovative entrepreneurship with a successful track record in business.
His team helps farmers manage their poultry, finances, provides access to market for their chickens and also provide access to education by people paying tuition and other school needs using farm inputs they use in animal feed. We make pillows out of chicken’s feathers; use the money to run a credit scheme for these farmers where they also network with more than 1260 farmers in their database. We transform poultry manure into biogas and organic fertilizers. The fertilizer is supplied to over 700 grain farmers at breakeven prices and in return, cheaper cost and regular supply of these grains for feed thereby minimizing production cost while combating soil degradation and climate change.
Henry is the recipient of the 2017 Mandela Washington Fellow at the University of Iowa USA. 2017 One of 100 Brightest Young Minds in Africa (Johannesburg South Africa). 2018 African Change makers Fellowship Fellow. 2018 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship. Programme, Cameroon Leadership Academy fellow 2018, International Delegate at YALDA iBoot Camp Rabat Morocco 2018, 2nd Award Winner at the 2018 Orange social venture prize and I will be representing Cameroon at the Orange Social Venture Prize Africa & Middle East 2018 in Cape Town South Africa.
Poultry Farmers Management Systems
Address: 100 Meters after CBC primary School Mile 16 Bolifamba
P O Box 340 Buea South West Region, Cameroon
Tel: +237 675 335 252/ 676 558 980
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://pfms.cm/