

Ina Wilken-Jonker

Appointed at Santam Bank in 1967 and held positions at the Bank of the Orange Free State, Barclays Bank, First National Bank and the SA Consumer Council prior to joining Finbond in 2003.

Former Chairman of the Estate Agency Affairs Board and former Chairman of the South African National Consumer Union.

Appointed to the Debt Collectors’ Council by the Minister of Justice in 2007, to the Agricultural Research Council by the Minister of Agriculture in 2009, by the Minister of Trade and Industry to both the Estate Agency Affairs Board in 2010 and the FSB’s FAIS board.

Was Vice Chairman of the Banking Ombudsman between 2000 – 2010 and the vice-president of the Pretoria Chamber of Commerce, the president of International Training and Communication in Pretoria, and a board member of the SA Pharmaceutical Council.

45 years’ experience in the financial services, banking and consumer protection industries.

Honorary Research Fellow at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Was Head Compliance Officer at Finbond up to her retirement in 2013, where after she became non-executive director.
