Irvin Phenyane

Irvin Phenyane was appointed as a non – executive director of the Board of Airports Company South Africa in September 2018.
He is also a member of the Social and Ethics Committee, a member of the Board Investment Committee and a member of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee.
Irvin Phenyane has experience and expertise in aviation, public transport, property development, cargo, tourism, education, sports, business development, land restitution, agricultural development, transformation, project management, stakeholder management, public relations and communications.
He has served as Provincial Secretary for the National Education Coordinating Committee, Transformation Project Manager and been responsible for strategic planning and research in the Premier’s Office in Mpumalanga, Communication Head in the Department of Arts, Sports and Recreation, and Deputy Director: Mpumalanga Government, among others.
He is the Managing Director: N4 Logistics and Director: Recital Corporation. He holds a Master of Public Management (Public and Development Management) and a Graduum Baccaluareis Scientiae qualification.
Other directorships include Hepard; WealthSmith Property; NIEP Invesments trading as Sodika Group N4 Logistics.