

Iya Saidou Conde

Iya Saidou Conde

Iya Saidou Conde has over five years of experience in public health and community engagement programs. Currently, Iya is a National Administrator of Epidemic Surveillance on Poliomyelitis and other vaccine preventable diseases at the World Health Organization in Guinea. He was on the front line of the Ebola outbreak in Guinea from 2014 to 2016. During this time, he investigated contacts of Ebola victims, informed and educated communities, and served as a local coordinator for epidemiology and surveillance activities. Iya Saidou Conde holds a bachelor’s degree in Medicine from the University of Conakry, where he joined a local branch of the Junior Chamber International and co-directed a project on preventing female genital mutilation. He is also a founding member of the youth association that played an integral part in recently supporting the hiring of 852 Ebola responders into the Ministry of Health as government employees. Iya is driven by his commitment to building sustainable health systems that serve poor populations and hopes that one day every child will live in a clean environment and have access to adequate health services. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship(Africa), Iya plans to continue his work on health promotion with a focus on waste management and improved routine immunization systems.
