Jackson Sianje Abuli

Jackson Abuli has worked in the public sector for the last 10 years in various capacities. He champions the cause of farming communities in Kenya. He is the former county agribusiness development officer in local county government. Jackson is keen that agribusiness plays a key role in improving the livelihoods of communities. Jackson Sianje Abuli currently works as an agronomist with OCP Africa in Kenya, helping to increase farm productivity and transforming farming through appropriate and sustainable practices. Jackson holds a degree in Agriculture and a master’s in Integrated Soil Fertility Management from the University of Nairobi and Kenyatta University respectively. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Jackson plans to utilize his experience and networks to form partnerships with key stakeholders in the public and private sectors and civil societies. He would like to see lives transformed by secure communities enjoying prosperity in an environmentally safe and sustainable manner.