

Jamila Aliyu Mohammed (Jay)

Jamila Aliyu Mohammed

Jamila Aliyu Mohammed has over ten years’ experience as a media content maker. She has worked in various community development projects, with emphasis on youth participation for development, and currently lectures media-related courses at the Department of Theatre and Performing Arts at Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria. She volunteers in her community primary school, where she facilitates behavior change communication projects for the pupils, and holds a Master’s degree in Development Communication where she focused on the effects of western culture on Nigerian youths. Jamila Aliyu Mohammed is currently a PhD Researcher, using participatory video to empower rural youths in select communities – where rural youths will be handed-over-the-camera to tell their stories without external influence or manipulation. This development process encourages ownership which translates to sustainability. Upon completion of the fellowship, Jay plans to start an organization with a specific priority of giving a voice to rural youths through communication mediums.
