

Jamila Bashir

Jamila Bashir has approximately four years’ working experience as a medical practitioner. She currently works as a medical officer in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, a PEPFAR clinic, where she consults HIV-infected patients, examines, treats and resuscitates if need be, and also follows up with patients. Jamila also volunteers in a primary health center where she treats adults and elderly patients. She gives monthly health talks in her community, organizes monthly sanitation, and monitors extra lessons to school-aged children. In conjunction with the youth in the community, she buys and distributes forms for examinations to assist adolescents in admission into tertiary institutions. Upon completion of the Fellowship, Jamila plans to plans to widen her volunteer work and undergo residency training in internal medicine. Jamila holds an MBBS from Bayero University, Kano, and is finishing a master’s degree in Human Physiology.
