

Jean Michel Ravina

Jean Michel Ravina

Jean Michel Ravina has over eight years’ experience in engaging with and volunteering in various NGOs. He is the senior Safety and Health Officer of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly where he helps on advising, designing, planning, implementing and evaluating of safety and health programs for the safeguarding of public officers. Jean Michel is currently also the Deputy Scout Commissioner of the Rodrigues Scout Council where he is responsible for training at all levels. Jean Michel is also a graduate member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and has a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Safety and Health Management from the University of Technology, Mauritius. Jean Michel Ravina is currently pursuing an executive Master’s in Public Administration at the Open University of Mauritius, and has an interest in disaster risk management. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship, Jean Michel intends to improve the Disaster Risk Management System of Rodrigues, to build resilience. Stayed in Africa.
