Jennifer Broadhurst (Prof.)

University of Cape Town, Deputy Director Minerals to Metals Initiative
Associate professor Jennifer Broadhurst has more than 35 years of industry-based and academic research in the area of mining and minerals beneficiation, with a special focus on the long-term environmental impacts of resource extraction and the inter-generational burdens that this places on mining communities, particularly in the African context. She currently serves as Research Coordinator for the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University, Co-Director of the Minerals to Metals Initiative at the university and Director of the Global Challenges Research Fund Mine Dust & Health Network. She also has a special interest in developing inter and transdisciplinary research and education capacity and serves as convenor of the interdisciplinary Master of Philosophy Programme specializing in Sustainable Mineral Resource Development. To date, she has supervised 28 post-graduate students, co-edited two books, and published 8 book chapters, 28 accredited journal articles and 27 peer-reviewed conference papers. In 2020, she was a finalist for the national TW Kambule-NSTF award in recognition for her outstanding contribution to science, engineering, technology (SET) and innovation and, in 2021, was conferred the international e-Wisely Exceptional Woman in Sustainability Award in 2021.