

Joaquim Chissano

Joaquim Chissano

Appointed to the Board in 2005. Joaquim Chissano is a former President of Mozambique who has served that country in many capacities, initially as a founding member of the Frelimo movement during that country’s struggle for independence. Subsequent to independence in 1975, he was appointed Foreign Minister and, on the death of Samora Machel in 1986, assumed the office of President. Frelimo contested and won the multi-party elections in 1994 and 1999, returning Joaquim to the presidency on both occasions. He declined to stand for a further term of office in 2004.

His presidency commenced during a devastating civil war and ended with the economy in the process of being reconstructed. He served a term as Chairman of the African Union from 2003 to 2004. Joaquim is also a Non-executive Director on Harmony’s Board. In 2006, Joaquim recieved the annual Chatham House Prize, which is awarded for significant contributions to the improvement of international relations. He was the recipient of the inaugural Mo Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership in 2007.
