

Jocelyne Ogechi Agbo

Jocelyne Ogechi Agbo

Jocelyne Ogechi Agbo has been an entrepreneur since she was 13. Jocelyne Ogechi Agbo is the chief executive officer of Diamond Elixir Enterprises, which manufactures and markets home-care products specifically designed for low-income earners in rural areas. It also provides entrepreneurial opportunities for women with little or no income within the rural areas. She is currently working on an empowered women’s project, which is an all-women distributors, marketers, wholesalers, and retailers business network that will cut across the country’s rural areas. She has over five years experience in training and mentoring young graduates under the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) skills acquisition and entrepreneurship development (SAED). Jocelyne has a higher national diploma in Computer Science. She intends to implement all she learns at the Mandela Washington Fellowship to run her company effectively, mentor and train more youths, and expand the empowered women business network across the country. Stayed in Nigeria.
