Joe Otin

Joe Otin is the Chairman of the Advertising Standards Board in Kenya, the President of the Pan-African Media Research Organization (PAMRO), Governor Rotary International for District 9212 in the year 2019-20 , a member of the Oversight Committee of the Kenya Audience Research Foundation (KARF), a member of the Marketing Society of Kenya (MSK) and the Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK). He received the distinguished Marketing Society of Kenya Warrior Award in 2010.
Joe Otin writes as weekly column in the Business Daily in Kenya focused on marketing and digital advertising. He has published numerous papers including ‘Is Africa Ready for Advertising ROI Measurement’, ‘Social Media ROI Measurement’, and ‘New Business Models for a Changing Media’ among others.
He presided as the chief judge of the PRSK Excellence Awards for 3 consecutive years, having been a judge on that panel for 11 years. He also presided as the chief judge of the MSK gala awards in 2015. He served twice as a judge for Kenya’s Top 40 Under 40 Women and once for the Top 40 Under 40 Men in 2016, as well as the Think Business Insurance Awards in 2017.
Joe is an accomplished classical guitar player, an avid amateur photographer, and enjoys regular golf, basketball and swimming.