Joe Parker

South African born Comedy legend, Joe Parker, sports a career that spans three decades in the industry. His cheeky defiance of all things politically correct combined with innovative, provocative story telling, Joe Parker continues to etch himself on the memories of at least three generations of comedy lovers in South Africa. He has worked in London and Melbourne and is one of the few comics to have an episode of Dali Tambo’s hit talk show “People of the South” devoted to him.
Joe Parker is probably the most popular English-language South African stand-up comedian in the country over the last 15 years. Having worked all the major comedy venues including the Superbowl at Sun City, he has developed a unique style and presence – able to read the mood of his audiences.
His comedy has always provoked comment – both positive and negative – and not a few times invoked the wrath of the press. He is talked about wherever comedy in South Africa crops up as a topic and has become something of a cult on the club circuit.
The content of his shows varies from the foibles of sexuality to the behaviour patterns of the people of this land – and lots in between!
And, should the function require some really top class singing, then look no further! Joe has astounded audiences countrywide with his tremendous vocal range – a fabulous, but optional extra to his show!
Joe Parker has worked in London and Melbourne and is one of the few comics to have an episode of Dali Tambo’s hit talk show “People of the South” devoted to him.
He is sharp and to the point – Joe is best described and risque but never crude. A fine musician to boot, he isnt’ shy to pull out his guitar and treat his audience to a few rib-tickling songs