Jonathan S. Gatera

Jonathan S. Gatera is the Director General of Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB). Prior to this, he spent most of his career at the Central Bank of Rwanda. He joined the Central Bank in June 2000 as Financial Market Analyst and by 2008 he had become the Manager responsible for the investment of the Official Foreign Exchange Reserves. In 2010, Jonathan was promoted to head the Department of Financial Markets, a position he held until late 2013 when he was appointed as the Director General in charge of Financial Sector Stability. As Director General at the Central Bank, he was responsible for the supervision of Commercial Banks, Microfinance Institutions, Savings & Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs), Insurance Companies, Pension Schemes and the oversight of Payment Systems. He was also in charge of Financial Stability Analysis, Policy and Licensing.
Jonathan S. Gatera holds MSc and BSc in Economics from the National University of Rwanda. He is also a Graduate of Macroeconomic & Financial Management Institute (MEFMI) of Eastern and Southern Africa based in Harare – Zimbabwe where he specialised in the Management of Domestic Financial Markets.