Joud Issouf ZoudiJoud Issouf Zoudi

Joud Issouf ZoudiJoud Issouf Zoudi, a young businesswoman from Niger, is the founder and general manager of Global J. Services, a firm working in the fields of consulting and interpreting/translation. After two and a half years of business experience, she created her company in January 2017 and is currently doing business with NGOs, international organizations, private and public sector companies, and individuals. Joud speaks five languages and has a Master in Business Administration. She is also involved in volunteering, working for a better educational system in Niger(Africa), the education of young girls, and the promotion of women. During the Fellowship, Joud Issouf ZoudiJoud Issouf Zoudihopes to learn how to better identify gaps that slow the development of a country and how to fill in those gaps to implement strategic projects in her home country.