

Joy Nkundimana

Joy Nkundimana

Joy Nkundimana is a passionate woman with four years’ experience in the development sector, more specifically in youth-related issues. She studied literature, languages, and foreign civilizations at Michel de Montaigne University, France then joined Hope Africa University in Burundi where she got a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Economics with a concentration in Marketing. After working at the United Nations Development Program in various departments as an assistant, she worked in another organization as a program officer in charge of scholarship management, development of entrepreneurial mindset ,and leadership training of their beneficiaries. Joy Nkundimana recently joined a local NGO as a sponsorship coordinator where she focuses on implementing and monitoring sponsorship activities in rural areas. Upon her return home, Joy plans on assisting young entrepreneurs in managing businesses, developing business plans, and mobilizing financial resources as her humble contribution to the development of a new Burundi.
