Jude Achiageonzoh Fonchenalla

Jude Achiageonzoh Fonchenalla is a poet, comic book author, and an applied linguist working for the Ministry of Secondary Education as a strategist and researcher on academic matters based in Cameroon .Jude received his first degree and pursued a master’s degree from the Higher Teachers Training College. He formerly worked as a high school teacher. He also volunteered as the head of communication with Vision in Action Cameroon (VIAC) and as the editor and communication officer for the Afrika Youth Movement (AYM). Jude Achiageonzoh Fonchenalla co-founded Joss Magazine and Dream Big Africa Plantation. He is currently planning new projects to improve his community, such as a health information clinic and an art project for youth. Jude respects all ideas and opinions and is committed to providing an equal platform for diverse perspectives.