

Justine Drake

Justine Drake has worked in food media since 1988, though she’s been cooking since she was old enough to wield a wooden spoon. She has written five cookbooks and edited several magazines and supplements. She was editor of Eat In magazine from 2006 to 2010, and helped it win MPASA Pica awards in 2009.

Justine is a frequent guest on television, and her culinary travelogue, Just in Africa, aired globally – earning her the title of 11th most popular BBC chef worldwide. She is the launch editor of Pick n Pay’s Fresh Living magazine, the best-selling food and lifestyle publication in SA.

At the 2012 Pica magazine awards, Justine scooped ‘Editor of the Year (customer)’ while Fresh Living won ‘Best Magazine (retail and consumer goods)’ and the coveted ‘Customer Magazine of the Year’.

Justine dreams of growing heirloom tomatoes and making bacon on her farm – but fears the pace may not be fast enough for her.
