

Kayode Falowo

Kayode Falowo is a Chartered Stockbroker with over 20 years post graduate experience and practice in Finance, Commercial and Investment Banking. He holds a B.Sc. (Hons) in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Ife, an MBA degree from the University of Benin and a Diploma in Information Management. Kayode Falowo joined DN Meyer Plc in March, 2010 as a non-Executive Director.

Kayode Falowo is a distinguished Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers, and a Fellow of the Pension Fund Administrators of Nigeria, a member of the Nigerian Institute of Management, Institute of Management Consultants, Lagos Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Nigerian Society of Engineers, Certified Pension Institute of Nigeria, Nigerian-Indian Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Directors (IoD), Nigeria. He is a Council Member of the Nigerian-British Chamber of Commerce and the Nigerian-Malaysian Business Council. He is also an Alumnus of the Lagos Business School.

He is currently the Managing Director/CEO of Greenwich Trust Limited. He is a member of the Technical Committee of the Bureau for Public Enterprises (BPE), Chairman of the Association of Issuing Houses of Nigeria and a member of the Bond Sub-committee of the Securities & Exchange Commission. He is also the Chairman of Cayden Limited, a Trustee of the Feturi Foundation and a Director of I-Skill Limited.

He has attended various levels of local and international training programmes some of which include the IESE Business School in Barcelona, Spain, Chief Executive Programme (CEP) of the Lagos Business School, Directors & Risk Management Course in Dubai, UAE and many other top management courses and conferences. He is married with children.
