Keith Rayner

Keith was appointed as a non-executive director in 2011. Widely recognised as an expert on the JSE Listings Requirements (JSE LR) and the Companies Act, Keith leverages his experience and knowledge in supporting the Ecsponent board.
He is a past member of the SAMREC/SAMVAL working group, the Takeover Regulation Panel’s rewrite committee, the IoDSA’s CRISA committee and the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants Accounting Practice Committee.
In addition to numerous non-executive board appointments, Keith is CEO of KAR Presentations, an advisory and presentation corporation specialising in corporate finance and regulatory advice. He is also a fellow of the Institute of Directors of South Africa (IoDSA), a non-broking member of the Institute of South African Stockbrokers and a member of the Investment Analysts Society. Keith is also a member of IAS, a past member of SAICA’s Accounting Practices Committee and a qualified South African Chartered Accountant.
He is the chairman of the Remuneration and Nominations committee and a member of the Audit and Risk committee.