

Kerecou Blaise Traore

Kerecou Blaise Traore

Kerecou Blaise Traore has over ten years of experience in managing health and nutrition projects in national and international non-profit organizations including design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting of community-based projects. Currently, Blaise is a health and nutrition senior project manager at Catholic Relief Services (CRS) where he focuses on the management of a child health and nutrition project for the benefit of more than 200,000 children in Burkina Faso. Blaise is a medical doctor with a master’s degree in International Health from the Senghor University of Alexandria, Egypt(Africa). Kerecou Blaise Traore is driven by his passion and commitment to serve communities that are too often invisible to the world, especially the poorest and most vulnerable children and women. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Blaise plans to continue his work on maternal and child health and nutrition project management with a focus on self-sustainability aspects as to make profitable the results he is getting in the field.
