

Keren Middelkoop

Keren Middelkoop

Dr Middelkoop received her MBCHB from the University of Cape Town in 1999. She has worked at the Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation for over 10 years and during this time she has been involved in a number of projects including clinical trials for HIV vaccine candidates and antiretroviral treatment options. Over the past eight years Dr Middelkoop has focused on largely public health and epidemiology research, including running a number of community based studies on the HIV epidemic and its impact on community TB.

Dr Middelkoop has completed her MPH (21013) and her PhD (2011) at the University of Cape Town. She co-authored a large number of papers, and her work has been recognized internationally, first when she received the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease’s Young Investigator of the Year award in 2011, and more recently as the awardee of the 2014 AU-TWAS (African Union – The World Academy of Sciences) Young Scientist National Award. Dr Middelkoop is currently pursuing her interests in TB transmission studies and expanding her skills in the field of molecular epidemiology.
