Kim Kiyosaki

Kim Kiyosaki is an internationally-renowned speaker, author (Rich Woman, Good Deal Bad Deal), entrepreneur, real estate investor, radio show host, and the founder ar women everywhere to get a financial eduction and make their dreams a reality!
When Kim Kiyosaki (Meyer) Kiyosaki left her home in Oregon and boldly moved to Hawaii to attend college, she had no idea that her move to an island paradise would transform her life in every way… and set the course for a future that would transform the lives of millions. Like many college freshmen, she planned to go to school, graduate, get a job, work, and begin the steady climb to the top of some corporate-ladder. She figured that college would be the ticket to a more secure life.
However, while working for a local business in Honolulu, Kim discovered that being an employee wasn’t her dream. It wasn’t getting her where she wanted to be, and she realized there had to be something more. That’s when Kim’s real education began.Stayed in South Africa.