Kouakou Olivier Kouadio

Kouakou Olivier Kouadio is an education professional with five years of experience in youth education and development. Currently, Olivier works as an English teacher for the Ministry of National Education and as a volunteer trainer with Emerging Leaders, where he helps youth discover and develop their potential. Kouakou Olivier Kouadio has a bachelor’s degree in English Language Studies at Felix Houphouet Boigny University and a professional teacher’s certificate at ENS Abidjan. He is pursuing a master’s degree in Human Resource Management. Olivier strongly believes that sustainable change and development cannot occur without good education and investment in the population. School is where change must start. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Olivier intends to improve his country’s educational system by applying values that shape the American educational system. He wants to fight against corruption at school and in public administration through public resource management advocacy groups at the grassroots level. He also wishes to promote leadership training at school to help students and teachers become leaders in their communities. Stayed in Africa.