Kouassi Yannick N’Goran

Kouassi Yannick N’Goran has eight years of experience in community development and volunteerism, especially in youth education. Yannick holds a degree in English from the University of Felix Houphouet Boigny and certificate in Mind Education from the International Mind Education Institute in South Korea. Kouassi Yannick N’Goran is currently an interpreter, English teacher, mind education lecturer, and lead of a multicultural dance company. He also volunteers at the International Youth Fellowship, an NGO, where he encourages youth to partake in development through community and entrepreneurial action. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship(Africa), he envisions running a program in Cote d’Ivoire for sustainable change, using mind lectures and English training as a basis to connect skills and mindsets to face inappropriate management, monitoring problems, and corruption.