

Lakela Kaunda

Lakela Kaunda

Ms Lakela Kaunda was appointed to her current position in May 2009. She holds a Master’s degree in South African Politics and Political Economy from the University of Port Elizabeth, a BA (Hons) in Politics from the University of South Africa, and a Bachelor of Journalism and Media Studies from Rhodes University. Other qualifications include a diploma in world politics from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Ms Kaunda’s professional career includes serving as head of communications in the Office of the Deputy President, and as special adviser on communications and spokesperson for the Minister of Social Development. She is the former editor of the Evening Post newspaper in Port Elizabeth – the first woman editor of a daily newspaper in South Africa at the time – and a former chairperson of the South African National Editors Forum.Ms Kaunda’s public sector experience includes posi t ions as di rec tor : Communications in the Department of Communications, and assistant director: Communications in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Tourism, KwaZulu-
