Lauren Segal

In 2017, Lauren Segal published a memoir on her experiences as a cancer patient called, ‘Cancer: A Love Story’. It became a bestseller.
She was most recently the project manager and content editor for ‘A Knock on the Door’, a history of the Detainee Parents’ Support Committee which was published in February 2018.
Lauren has an Honours degree in History and Education and a Masters degree in Film and Television. Over the past two decades, she has written several books, produced drama and factual television series and since 2002, has specialised in developing and curating a number of heritage sites, memorial projects and permanent and temporary exhibitions both in South Africa and Africa.
Most recently, Lauren has been working as the curator of the Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide permanent exhibition will be opened in September 2018. Lauren is also the lead curator of the Museum and Archive of the Constitution, an important new institution which is currently in the making and which will stand directly opposite the Constitutional Court.
Lauren has also edited and co-written several books: ‘Soweto: A History’ (published by Maskew Miller Longman, 1999); ‘Number Four; the Making of Constitution Hill’ (published by Penguin, 2004); ‘Mapping Memories’ (published by David Krut Publishers, 2005); ‘A Prisoner in the Garden’ (published by Penguin, 2005).
She co-authored a book entitled, ‘Great Lives, Pivotal Moments’ as well as an accompanying six-part book series for learners called ‘Great People, Great Places’ (published by Jacana in 2008 and 2009).
In 2011, she published a book on the history of the Constitution, ‘One Law One Nation’ to celebrate the 15th anniversary of South Africa’s first democratic Constitution and commissioned by Cyril Ramaphosa, the sitting President of South Africa.