Lerato Pule

B Com (Accounting, Rand Afrikaans University (RAU) B Com (Honours) Accounting – CTA, University of Natal Operational Qualified as a Chartered Accountant CA (SA) Strategic Planning Management – Cranfield University School of Management (United Kingdom)
Lerato Pule is currently the Chief Strategy, Planning and Change for BCX.
Lerato has over 14 years’ experience in various organisations in the financial, petrochemical and telco industries, focusing on embedding commercial business management for strategy execution and performance improvement. She has also had exposure to the retail and sales operating models and has a deep understanding of an integrated business model from a strategy, finance, business process and compliance perspective.
Her career has developed her business acumen with proven ability to think strategically, to transition strategy into a rigorous and disciplined implementation, inspire teams to deliver across complex structures and projects, build strong relationship with all stakeholders and has a passion for people development, recognising the strength of diversity.
Prior to her appointment at BCX, Lerato was accountable for the Telkom Group Corporate Centre as an Executive Finance Business Partner, focussing on strategic planning, the application of sound financial decision making and reporting principles with the aim of accounting for all business activities, safeguarding all assets and improving return on investment and profitability.