

Lesego Lesley Sikele

Dr. Lesego Lelsey Sikele is a medical doctor with over five years’ experience in emergency medical services. He is currently the Health Services Manager at MRI Botswana Medical Rescue. He achieved his Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB) at the University of Cape Town in South Africa and has recently completed a diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene through the London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. His current responsibility involves running an integrated health care model consisting of five centers in Botswana. He is also involved in emergency work as flight doctor for MRI. Upon completion of the fellowship, Dr. Sikele aims to grow the Prime Health brand and continues to come up with ways to provide sustainable, quality, affordable health care to communities including, amongst other things, a helicopter emergency service that would be affordable and readily available to all patients who would benefit from the service.
