

Lilian Ngwongem Ngwana Banmi

Lilian Ngwongem Ngwana Banmi

Lilian Banmi has over four years of experience training medical personnel in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, and in the reduction of maternal mortality in Cameroon. Currently, Lilian is a facilitator in the PEPFAR project for the elimination of the transmission of HIV from mother to child. She also volunteers in her local community in Cameroon by doing free medical outreaches (consultations and surgeries), and giving health talks on radio, both at the national and local level. Lilian is a medical doctor, and a obstetrician/gynaecologist. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Lilian Ngwongem Ngwana Banmi plans to continue her work in the fight against HIV transmission and maternal mortality. Her focus will be on increasing public sensitization via her radio health talks, with a special focus on the partners of infected women.
