

Lionel Pierre Albin Mudandi Simbizi

Lionel Pierre Albin Mudandi Simbizi

Lionel Mudandi Simbizi has six years of experience in the fields of capital markets and marketing. Currently, Lionel is the general manager of Konectors Limited, an advisory and consulting firm that provides facilitation services to foreign companies investing or opening up their businesses in Rwanda. In this role, he is responsible for advising, formulating customized entry strategies, and assisting foreign investors to find partners in the Rwandan business community. Lionel coordinated the support activities for the World Bank District Creditworthiness Academy. Lionel Pierre Albin Mudandi Simbizi volunteers for ‘Friends of Children’, a group that gives Sunday school lessons to children and organizes church activities at Christus Centre. Upon returning from the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Lionel plans to continue the work with his firm and focus on helping local governments to find investments for the many opportunities in infrastructure and energy. Lionel is a graduate of the School of Finance and Banking.
