Lisa Bobbert

This popular Durban actress, has won over the hearts of South African theatre audiences with many hit productions including Abbamaniacs, The Rocky Horror Show, Defending the Planet, and Brutal Tunes. She is a true comedienne at heart, and she infuses her performances with emotional undertones and razor-sharp perceptions that bring her many-sided stage characters to life. She is also equally adept as a singer-dancer, mimic and dramatic actress. She is both as a solo star and works in collaboration with her husband and actor-producer Aaron McIlroy.
Lisa’s natural ability to bring laughter into any situation has recently made her a motivational speaker of note. She has spoken at many women’s conferences and events sharing the wisdom she has gained from her life story entitled – “I’m not okay, You’re not okay and that’s okay!” – which is a humorous look at overcoming life’s disappointments.
Lisa’s appearances over the past few years have been in her one-woman shows, Bobbert Uncut directed by Caroline Smart and Chronicles of a Car Guard, directed by Sue Monteregge. In 2006 she also starred as Eliza Doolittle in The Playhouse Company’s production of My Fair Lady. Bobbert’s performance in the runaway hit, Brutal Tunes directed by Caroline Smart set a new bench-mark in virtuoso comic exuberance. Lisa has also won Best Actress for her role of Shirley Valentine at the Durban Theatre Awards and The Mercury Personality of the year 2008.