Lizandra Cabral Dos Reis (Maiza)

Lizandra Cabral Dos Reis (Maiza) has over six years’ experience in various fields in the health sector and in community health in particular. She is currently a program coordinator for the Fight Against Neglected Tropical Diseases and focuses on initiating, designing, and implementing activities to improving the health for the population of Guinea-Bissau. She also volunteers in the church of Bissau Cathedral, where she does free medical consultations and encourages parishioners to seek the doctor. She also supports women doing the pre-natal consultations and with education around condom use. Lizandra Cabral Dos Reis (Maiza) holds a postgraduate qualification in Public Health from the West African Health Organization in Burkina Faso. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship she plans to continue her community work, including contributing to the increase of health posts in the community and through the eradication of neglected tropical diseases, particularly Noma and Oncocercosse, in Guinea-Bissau.