

Londiwe Ndwandwe

Londiwe Ndwandwe is a marketing management graduate who studied at DUT and Unisa. She also did a short course in Project Management. She is passionate about Events Management which she has been doing for the past 15 years.

Oprah Winfrey said ‘Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe ‘

As women we can achieve so much but the secret is in working together be it in business, in our homes eg you need a helper in order to have a successful household.

She is a mother to 3 beautiful kids

She is a sister to her 4 siblings

She is a mentor to many young girls who aspire to be in businesses

 She is an employer to her employees

She is a community leader in the township where she comes from (in Mandeni )

All the above hats are not easy, they come with many challenges but again the secret is to stay focused & not complain about the challenges

Her Journey in Business started at a young age and has been full of challenges, but that didn’t stop her from Pressing Forward.

Starting a business and running a business are two different things.

This year marks 15 years since the initiation of Andimahle Building Events and what she can assure you today is she doesn’t ever regret nor does she think of quitting.

She believes she stands out because she understands what it is like to be a woman in business and have a story to tell. She is also passionate about Women’s Empowerment. A lot of women look up to her as she has been walking this journey for a long time. This award could change her life and keep her motivated.

She is one of the leading Luxury event planners in South Africa.

She won an award from Ithala: Imbokodo Women in business award She won an award: Great Impact Award

Standard Bank Imbokodo Award

Female Founders Award: Best Event Planner of the Year 2022

She works hard to achieve so much in her business

She has worked with many institutions as a CSI project:

Hollywood Bet

Nomzamo Lighthouse Foundation

 Durban University of Technology

Andimahle Building Events have been involved in a number of Giving Back Projects

Londiwe is a woman who is all about changing the world for the better. She likes to contribute positively to the economy of South Africa by employing the South African youth , giving back to the community and empowering women around her. She uses her social media space to impact positively and lead by example .
