Mahlet Alemayehu Siraga

Dr. Mahlet Alemayehu graduated as a valedictorian from Hayat Medical College and has three years’ experience as a general practitioner. Passionate about women’s health, Mahlet is currently providing free medical service in the female ward at The Home for the Sick and Dying Destitute. Mahlet received an award from the Ethiopian Medical Association. She believes that innovation is key for progress and encourages her mentees at the Nolawi Scholarship Program to be involved in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) programs. Mahlet’s mentees inspire her to walk the talk. Mahlet Alemayehu Siraga is currently a medical advisor for Hilmikha Tech Solutions, which develops health applications. She plans to study programming to become a medical doctor capable of coding and delivering health care at her fingertips. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Mahlet plans to continue working on women’s health, health education applications, and recruiting mentors and volunteers.