

Major Gichangi

Major Gichangi

Major Gichangi joined the Kenya Air Force as a pilot in 1975, and rose through the ranks serving in all its flying operations hierarchy command positions. Major Gichangi retired from the military in 2006 as the Chief of Strategic Plans and Policy at the Defence Headquarters, on being appointed the Director General of The National Intelligence Service.

He holds a Masters Degree in Aviation Management from Griffith University in Australia and is a graduate of the National Defence College. He has a Commercial Pilots License from the Federal Aviation Authority of The United States of America and one from the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, and is a qualified flying instructor.

In recognition of his service to the nation, he has been honoured as an Elder of the Order of the Golden Heart and a Chief of the Order of the Burning Spear. He was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Order medal for an act of Valour while flying in the Kenya Air Force.
