Malan Dieudonne Katche

Malan Dieudonne Katche has over five years of experience in the field of civil aviation. Currently, Malan Dieudonne Katcheis a Civil Aviation Technician working with the Aerospace, Aeronautical and Meteorological Operations and Development center (SODEXAM). This governmental agency is in charge of civil aviation development, and aeronautical and meteorological activities in Cote d’Ivoire. As an International Junior Chamber member, Dieudonne believes that serving humanity is the best work in life. In 2013 he got an award for being a successful training commission director. He hs served as leader of the local workers’ union for two years. Dieudonne holds an intermediate English level certificate from The English and the Foreign Languages the University of Hyderabad in India, and a certificate in Organizations and Human Resource Management from Larnaca Intercollege in Cyprus. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, he plans to develop the field of aviation by enhancing technologies and improving citizen services. Stayed in Africa.