

Mam-Pingdawende Francine Boro-Legma

Mam-Pingdawende Francine Boro-Legma

Mam-Pingdawende Francine Boro-Legma currently serves as the IT Project Manager with ONATEL SA, a private telecommunication company where Mam-Pingdawende Francine Boro-Legma has launched postpaid offers, 3G solutions, mobile payment platforms, and loyalty systems. In 2009, she became the General Secretary of the Association of Women of Telecommunications in Burkina Faso. She has received extensive training on topic of internet governance and is increasingly concerned about the technological gap between Africa and developed countries, and more importantly the gap between women and men in their usage of new technologies in Africa. As a response to this growing concern, Francine created AFT, an NGO that focuses on building the technology capacity of women and girls via trainings, seminars, and workshops. Francine has a master’s degree in International Commerce from Icoges in Paris, France and a bachelor’s of engineering degree in computer science from the Institute of Engineering in Computer Science in Limoges, France. Francine hopes her time in the Washington Fellowship will help her achieve her future goals of becoming the first woman leader in the IT sector in Burkina Faso.
