Mariam Nourya Kone

Mariam Nourya Kone has one and half years of experience in software engineering, specifically in web and mobile development. Currently, she is a research and development developer at NSIA Technologies in Côte d’Ivoire, where she focuses on researching and developing business-oriented web and mobile solutions. Mariam Nourya Kone holds a bachelor’s degree in Networks and Software Engineering from Pigier Côte d’Ivoire, where she currently leads the computer science club. She is driven by her commitment to women’s issues, gender disparity, and educational systems. She hopes to witness the rise of well-educated youth. To contribute to this vision, she volunteers and organizes coding sessions as Woman Techmaker (WTM). Google’s Women Techmakers provide visibility, a community, and resources for women in technology. She also took part in Africa Code Week, during which she taught children how to code. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Nourya plans to pursue education reform by cultivating female tech communities and creating an African tech network.