

Mark Clark McGowan

Mark Clark McGowan

Mark commenced his career with Riemer and Waterston in 1992, where he served his articles of clerkship and subsequently became an audit partner.

He was appointed as a director and training officer of the successor firm, RW Irish – Alliott Incorporated in 2000. It was during this time that his association with Metrofile began, as the audit partner of the Metrofile Group’s operating subsidiaries and through undertaking various projects on behalf of the Group. In 2005 he was appointed to the Europe, Middle East and Africa Advisory Committee of the Alliott Group, a worldwide association of independent accounting, legal and consulting firms. During his tenure with Alliott Group, he held the position of Chairman of both the Quality Review Committee and the Membership Advisory Committee for the region. He has a wide range of industry expertise in various corporate, accounting and financial disciplines. Mark is a member of the Institute of Directors.
