

Mary Eyram Ashinyo

Mary Eyram Ashinyo

Mary Eyram Ashinyo works with the Ghana Health Service as a sub district leader, member of the regional health quality improvement team, regional focal person for accidents and emergency services, executive member of the Ghana Medical Association, Volta Division, and as a medical superintendent in the Volta Region. As the leader, she’s transformed a previously stigmatized leprosarium to a polyclinic which was rated the second best health facility in the entire Volta Region (2014) in terms of client care, and the best sub-district facility in her region. Mary Eyram Ashinyo holds MBChB from KNUST, an international health diploma of Advanced Studies in Health Care and Management in Tropical Countries from the Swiss TPH, Switzerland, and is currently in her final weeks of a Master’s of Public Health from the University of Ghana. She hopes to network and further build capacity during the Fellowship, to contribute to the health of Ghana‘s general population.
